Calculating Scope 1 Emissions

Calculating Scope 1 Emissions in Sumday?

  1. Go to Assessments in the left hand menu.
  1. Go to Accounting
  1. Go to Scope 1
  1. Click into each category that’s relevant for your business. If you’re just using fuel for cars, it will just be mobile consumption.
  1. Click add item and (you can start with 1 or add 20 if you have a lot of vehicles for example)
  1. Give your asset a name, select the fuel type, location and copy past the consumption in (you can do this in bulk by clicking export, populating the excel template and copy pasting the data into the table)
  1. Go to Dashboards and take the total number of Scope 1 emissions.
Tip: We can walk you through this, just reach out here or get your accountant, sustainability or finance team involved. Watch the video below for a walk through.
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