Primary Energy Consumption Data

Why are you being asked for energy consumption data?

What is ‘Primary Energy Consumption’?

Energy consumption refers to the total amount of energy your company uses across its operations over a specified period. This includes electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, and other energy sources.

Key categories to consider:

  • Electricity Usage ⚡
  • Natural Gas Usage 🔥
  • Fuel Oil and Other Liquid Fuels ⛽
  • Renewable Energy Sources 🌞

Why Does the Investor or Bank Need This Information?

Notion image

Investors and banks need your energy consumption data to accurately assess the environmental impact of their investments, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. By understanding your energy use, they can calculate both direct and indirect emissions linked to their financing activities.

It can also enable them to identify high-energy areas in your operations and identify the potential opportunities for cost savings, reduced energy consumption, and provide initiatives to support your transition to renewable energy sources.

What specific data is needed?

You’ll need to provide the kwh of electricity or litres of fuel etc, this is known as Activity Data.

Here’s a handy table of common energy sources and where you can gather the data from:

Energy Source
UoM of Amount Consumed
Data Sources
Utility bills, Energy management systems
Natural Gas
Cubic meters
Gas bills, Energy monitoring systems
Fuel Oil
Liters or gallons
Fuel purchase receipts, On-site fuel records
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy certificates, Utility bills

Who can help find it? This data is typically available in your company’s utility bills, which your accountant can provide, or through energy management systems managed by your facility management team, who are usually responsible for tracking and reporting energy consumption.

What are ‘Process Emissions’?

This is only relevant for those industries such as like refining or cement production. Process or Chemical Emissions are emissions generated from processing certain raw materials or chemicals, some examples are: Amount of CO2 from the fermentation process, CO2 from the calcination process for cement production. These would be captured in tracking systems.

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